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A large brick wall with the word 'BUSINESS' prominently displayed in black letters. The wall is lit by natural daylight, casting gentle shadows along its surface. The ground at the base of the wall has some patches of grass and is bordered by a concrete sidewalk. There are three metal fixtures attached to the lower part of the wall.
A large brick wall with the word 'BUSINESS' prominently displayed in black letters. The wall is lit by natural daylight, casting gentle shadows along its surface. The ground at the base of the wall has some patches of grass and is bordered by a concrete sidewalk. There are three metal fixtures attached to the lower part of the wall.
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A lecture hall filled with students sitting in tiered rows, focusing on a presentation displayed on a large screen. Many students have laptops open, and some are wearing masks. Posters with 'SKEMA Business School' logos are visible on the walls.
A lecture hall filled with students sitting in tiered rows, focusing on a presentation displayed on a large screen. Many students have laptops open, and some are wearing masks. Posters with 'SKEMA Business School' logos are visible on the walls.
A laptop displaying a video conferencing application screen is placed on a desk. In front of the laptop, there is a pair of black headphones resting on the desk. To the right, a blue mug with 'Digital Startup Challenge' printed on it is positioned. The background wall is green, creating a subtle contrast with the objects in the foreground.
A laptop displaying a video conferencing application screen is placed on a desk. In front of the laptop, there is a pair of black headphones resting on the desk. To the right, a blue mug with 'Digital Startup Challenge' printed on it is positioned. The background wall is green, creating a subtle contrast with the objects in the foreground.
gray computer monitor

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